
Select a tour

The following tours have been created to bring you the best of what Scotland has to offer from coasts and castles to golf and whisky.

Read the descriptions, pick the one that suits you best, and contact us today to reserve your tour.

Flexible & accommodating

During the tour, your guide is ready and willing to make suggestions to ensure you get the best experience of Scotland.

For example, if you want to linger at a certain location, that’s ok. If you prefer to move on early, it’s your call.

Edinburgh Tours

Hear surprising stories you won’t find in the guidebooks, soak up the lively atmosphere, and have fun. Learn about the people and the changing times as you travel from the ancient extinct volcanic castle rock, through medieval streets and onto the Neo-classical grace of the New Town.
More Details & BookingEdinburgh Tours

St Andrews Day Tour

Embark on an eye-opening journey to explore the origins of golf. Highlights include the famous old course at St Andrews and the chance to discover the real home of golf. Take in the beautiful North Sea coastline and historical monuments along the way.
More Details & BookingSt Andrews Day Tour

Scottish Borders Tour

Discover the bonnie Borders: a land characterised by gentle rolling hills, open countryside, and small towns full of local character. Visit enchanting abbeys, impressive stately homes, and castles. Find the same inspiration that moved writers such as Sir Walter Scott and John Bunyan.
More Details & BookingScottish Borders Tour


Build a Tour

Use our existing itineraries as a framework. Our tours are flexible.
Feel free to make any changes to fit your interests.

Simply let us know what you want to see and do – from sites of historical interest and whisky tasting to featured locations from film and TV.